
Cultivating Excellent, Creative, and Globally Competitive Generation

Universal Excellent Education

Going beyond curriculum through a faith-based holistic model that guides the growth and development of each child

Strong Determination and Admirable Goals

Indonesia Juara is committed to providing the best for the community in improving the quality of education in Indonesia through high-quality education programs with innovative and sustainable approaches, as well as building strategic collaborations with various parties to support the readiness of the younger generation in facing global challenges

Empowering the Nation, Nurturing Champions

Indonesia Juara grows and develops to have a greater impact

Student Story

Welcome, Dr. M. Yorga Permana!

We are proud to announce that Dr. M. Yorga Permana, PhD, Doctor in Economic Geography from the London School of Economics, has joined Indonesia Juara Foundation as the Chairman of the Board of Trustees. With his extensive experience and knowledge in economic...

Almira Qanita Maritza: Inspiring Achievements in Ramadan

Almira Qanita Maritza M, a talented student from SMP Juara Bandung, has achieved remarkable success that has inspired many people around her. Since the beginning of her journey in junior high school, Almira has shown extraordinary dedication in pursuing her goals....